domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013


Architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings, this type of art can create some controversies, because is the only kind of art that can be for utilitarian purposes besides the aesthetic ones.

Humanity started constructing buildings for religious purposes, such as the Stonehenge, the Teotihuacan pyramids, or for funerary purposes, like the Egyptian pyramids.This kind of architecture started 30,000-20,000 years ago.


Much later, with the Greek, much innovative architecture types began, with revolutions, like columns, which are the distinctive characteristic of Greek and Roman architectures.This type dates to 10,000 years ago, and had six basic types of columns.



This type of architecture persisted during the Greek culture and was then adopted by the roman empire, but then they made a few innovations like the roman arch and the roman vault (dome).


 After those accomplishments architecture kept changing, passing through styles, like Gothic cathedrals, to what it is today.

Cath. Notre-Dame de Paris

Fig.1 : Stonehenge, England, N/A, 8000 B.C
Fig.2 : Pirámide del Sol, México, N/A, 200 B.C.
Fig.3 : Greek column Types, Greece, Greek culture, 300 B.C.
Fig.4 : The Parthenon, Greece, Greek Culture, 447 B.C.
Fig.5 : The Colosseum, Italy, Roman Culture, 70 A.D.
Fig.6 : Notre Dame Cathedral, France, Maurice de Sully, 1345
Fig.7 : Sacred Family Church, Spain, Gaudi, 1882 (not completed yet)

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