miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, born in March 30, 1853, in Zundert, the Netherlands, was an eccentric artist, member of the post-impressionism movement. 

Van Gogh followed his artistic impulses since a very young age but not painting, he liked drawing at the time. His career in the art business started from a very young age, by the time he was 16 years old he worked in an art firm, where he sold art of other people, but never his own.

In the lapse of 1883-1886, Van Gogh lived in 2 towns, Nuenen and Antwerp, where he developed his first works as an emerging artist with his first major artwork, "the potato eaters", which depicted a poor family that was having dinner in a very obscure scenery.

After that period Van Gogh moved to paris to discover the boundaries of his talent, he lived in Paris from 1886 to 1888. Here in Paris, van Gogh experienced being in the epicenter of the arts, this influenced him in the way that he started using more vivid and mixed colors, like in the portrait he made for Henri de Toulouse, among the other collections he had.

From Paris he moved to Arles, still in france, Arles is the place his art had its pinacle, because he was suffering of a mental illness. he lived in this town in 1888 and 1889. He was often accused of harassing women and fighting with people, for those reasons the citizens decided to put him in an asylum, where by fortune he could be dedicated completely to his paintings.

After living in arles for a year he moved again but this time to Saint-Rémy for another year (may 1889-may 1890) in this town he was still imprisoned, but was allowed short field walks, which led to his paintings of cypresses, fields, and landscapes, some of which are some of the most famous paintings in the world.

For the last month of his life (may-june 1890) Van Gogh moved one last time to Auvers-sur-oise, where he painted his last paintings, maybe not the most famous ones, but some of the most beautiful ones.

He committed suicide on july 29th 1890, due to a mental crisis he was living as an artist and person. In his whole life he just sold one painting of his own, then to be recognized as one of humanities greatest artists after his death. 

Here are some of his best works:

File:VanGogh 1887 Selbstbildnis.jpg
When: 1887
Where: Paris, France
Why: Because in this stage of his life he painted many self-portraits.
Name: Self Portrait, Spring
Why I like it: Because of the combination of the bluish and reddish colors making a very natural face and hair.

 File:Vincent Van Gogh 0020.jpg
When: 1889
Where: Arles, France
Why: Because it was Vincent´s only way to express himself in the asylum.
Name: Wheat field with cypresses
Why I like it: Because of how the strokes create that natural movement.

File:VanGogh-View of Arles with Irises.jpg
When: 1888
Where: Arles, France
Why: Because it was the only thing he liked and was allowed to do at the asylum.
Name: View of aAles with irises
Why I like it: Because of its colors and natural flow

File:Van Gogh - Starry Night - Google Art Project.jpg
When: 1889
Where: Saint-Rémy, France
Why: Because he was inspired that lovely night
Name: The starry night
Why I like it: Because of the tranquility it sends, and its contrasts.

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